Hiyoshi Awards

In the year 2007 Hiyoshi Corporation Japan, ABK AOTS DOSOKAI Tamilnadu Centre, Chennai and Hiyoshi India Ecological Services Private Limited, Chennai jointly organised “Hiyoshi Awards” and since then every year Hiyoshi Awards are presented to Indian Researchers, Scientists and Young Researchers as follows

1. Hiyoshi Environmental Award
2. Hiyoshi Think of Ecology Award
3. Hiyoshi Young Leaf Award

The above said three awards will recognize those who are doing novel, innovative, outstanding scientific research and application in the field of environmental conservation and protection in India.

We are happy to announce the winners of  Hiyoshi Environmental Awards 2024 

Hiyoshi Environmental Award

 Dr. Sakar Mohan, 

Centre for Nano and Material Sciences

Jain University, 

Bangalore – 562112, Karnataka, India


Hiyoshi Think of Ecology Award

Dr. V.Sivasubramanian, 

Department of Chemical Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Calicut

Kozhikode -673 601, Kerala, India



Hiyoshi Young Leaf Award

Dr. Sathish Kumar Ramachandran,

Centre for Waste Management,

Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology,

Chennai – 600 119, Tamilnadu, India


We would like to convey our sincere thanks to all the well-wishers for their time, guidance, and support.

It has been our pleasure to felicitate the Environmental researchers in India, who are thoughtful, committed citizens and Environmental warriors working hard for the betterment of the environment.